

All matches shall be played to R.C.C.C. rules except where modified by the local rules below.


All games shall commence with the bell. A team with only three players when the bell sounds shall commence play, but shall lose one shot for each complete five minute period for which the fourth player is absent up to a maximum of twenty minutes (4 shots). A team with less than three players shall forfeit the game, the other team being credited with two points, six shots and five ends.

(Important to note – the offending team loses points, the other team doesn’t gain them).

Should the bell not be sounded, all games shall be terminated at the end of the normal session time.

Any situation which arises and is not covered by these rules, or the rules of the R.C.C.C. will be referred to the committee, whose ruling shall be final.


All teams must have at least two designated members in any match.

Wattie West League – a single substitute must play at Lead. A second substitute must play at Second. If two substitutes are required and one of these is a league skip, then he/she must play at Lead.

Jenny Gray – a single substitute must play at Second. A second substitute must play at Third, EXCEPT if the Lead is missing, then the substitute must play Lead and a second substitute must play Second. If two substitutes are required and one of these is a league skip then he/she must play in the lower position.


It is a matter of courtesy to notify your skip if you have arranged a substitute.